I have a niece living in Asheville. Had no idea. We are not close. Will pray she gets the hell out of there.

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Open a comm line, nothing alarming, just on the pleasant weather, and a bland , How do you like living in Asheville, it looks beautiful. People are going to need Family imo, in the coming travails, if they are sane, not woke proggies.

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I'm all for secession knowing it will lead to CW and family division. Doesn't seem to be anyone in authority to push it. Likely because the cadre is too intermingled. Ok, then, I'm fine with CW however it starts. Not gonna be pretty. But then, neither are the alternatives. There's always the nuke option. Probably the best and quickest way to clear out the rubble. I can't even begin to enumerate the many other scenarios all of which are clear and present possibilities. Frankly, I wish something would start the ball rolling. I don't know how much longer I have to participate. I'm not saying any of this is good or even welcome. But we know it's going to happen whether we like it or not. Meanwhile..........

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Thankfully "Our" USSA Coup Gov is Fully Bribed and Ready to Accomodate the mostly peaceful transistion for the NWO Banksters as well as the ChiComs to assume ascendancy on the World Stage. So Nukes are out, no need to nuke your newly acquired Empire, ChiComs like industry and agriculture in the USSA feeding into their other Global Aquisitions in the Far & Middle East as well as Africa.

all WE have to do is Die Off and let the Replacement Population coming across the Southern Border Do the Work!!! Gotta just love it when a Plan (Pogrom) comes together, Comrades.

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Gen, I’m beginning to think that giant empty Motorola plant taken over by the CIA I reported (the story told) could actually be some FEMA camp or relocation center. I wish I had some way to see what vehicles are going in. The property is tucked away in landscape that kind of hides it. One good thing there is no railroad siding there, if you get my drift.

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Well you could go down to the Gate and inquire if they are Hiring? then use your femine charms as to what they/them are doing, descreetly of course!

Peoples would be interested......

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OUR DUTY PATRIOTS -That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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I appreciate your collection of important posts!


God bless...

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