Thanks for the post. Lots of examples of bad people and their

vile statements. Politicians are vile, Billionaires should keep the

hell out of world affairs and trying to influence events and policies.

We are SO sick of the lot of them and many of us wish to be rid

of their influence and pollution.

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Money= Influence & Position. We were fortunate in 1776 to have some of the Wealthy Class support the Revolution. Many of the Wealthy did not and remained Loyal to the King. The Victors write the History. Can you imagine How it would read if the Loyalists had won???

Civil Wars are maddening, confusing, chaotic, and people suffer.

We Must Draw The Line, and Say No More, and Back It Up. All the Best, We will Prevail with Will.

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I looked up the phone number to the U.S. Border Patrol Yuma Station, AZ. HQ (928)-341-2800, FAX (928)-344-1184, Webpage Here: https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/border-patrol-sectors/yuma-sector-arizona/yuma-station the phone rang, and was answered by the usual recorded voice with prompts 1 for English or 2 for Espanol, followed by a # sign, then Press 1 again if you want info on a relative that may or may not have been contacted by the U.S. Border Patrol, and to Press 2 for all other Inquirees. I prerssed 2, and got the Recoprded Messsage that I had Dialed a Wrong Extention, and the phonne line was disconnected. Now that's Service. Or to Quote Hilliarity Clowntin... I tried to contact the Tuscon Office but was referrd to the Info Line in DC. Same ole Run-around. I was wondering where the Contractors were from. The White Truck in the video appears to have a TEXAS license plate on the front bumper, and an unreadable decal w/ what appears to be a Company Logo on the rear driverside window. I would bet that several AZ Contractors might have been interested in the Gubmint Contract. Wonder if they got the call? Just Curious. Wonder if the USBP who "knew nothing" about this operation, was watching it from a nearby hilltop, or from one of the many inflatable airships, drones or aircraft, mobile units, and or on horseback. Asking for a Friend. I'm fairly certain that Operational Security is on a Need to Know Basis, and unless you are on 'The List,' then you don't need to know. So I'm not overly supprised. We Have a Duty to Protect the Criminals In Charge Don'tcha Know. No Worries, these folks are Professionals and in a few days, to maybe a week, all traces of any such operation will be erased into the Arizona dirt, along with the untimely destruction of any form of electronic comms associated with an unknown operation. Within a few months things will be back to normal with bunch of native plants and cacti will have been planted to cover any and all evidence that such an ops had ever happened. If you listen closely you can hear the pre-recorded SCREEEEECH of an Eagle flying overhead. All is Well, All is Well, Nothing to see here Folks. Move Aloing Please. Nothing To See Here...

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I read over the DC Review of Use of Deadly Force by Border Patrol. Sheesh, It's a wonder, a miracle that anyone stays in that humiliating job. Stick a Fork in it, this Feral Gov is Finished.

Good riddance, IMO.

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