Good Monday morning General Early! An excellent post this morning, you are in FINE FORM. Keep hammering the psychos, RINOs , and out-n-out TRAITORS that call themselves our "betters". Mock them with impunity! The real We the People will not go down without a vicious FIGHT!!

Thank you for all you do .... fight on!

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I voted for Trump. Twice. Since then I have learned much more about him. I would not vote for him again. He is part of the plot, I will not be voting. Period. I will not comply. I will not continue in the charade that has been American government/politics perhaps since the very beginning. Certainly since the early 1900s. Especially since 1913 and the Federal (not Federal) Reserve was sneaked in. The crooked income tax scam. The demonic banisters. Very soon Americans will have their money stolen and we will have CBDCs forced on us. The preliminaries are all in place. Other countries already have the CBDC System. Dumbed down by our rulers Americans are in the cage. Only God can save us and we are like the Israelites in the Old Testament stories. Not Chosen but corrupted in the same ways. We will pay a very big price for our sins. Perhaps a "strong delusion" is upon us. Our punishment is coming.

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It’s THE BIBLE to a tee!

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I will Vote for Trump (if he is still "available" in 2024). There is a "Chance" that another Trump administration can recover some liberty, but regardless.... having a clear conscience of participating, even in a rigged system, may afford some solace as a CW/ Anarchy erupts.

I fully Expect these NWO Felonious Bolshevik Demons to "Take It All Down" rather than admit defeat.

If Me/We/You are Not Pre-pared for this, then We All Will Suffer. Plan "B" beans, bullets, bullion, & buddies.

I intend for They/Them to Pay for Their Sins, btw.

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I see that when I typed "banksters" this horrid computer changed it to "banisters", which it just did again, only this time I caught it. I hate Spell Check or whatever does this. I'd rather have typos than some machine changing the meanings of what I write.

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We're getting closer. If you haven't bought a gun yet, please think about it, seriously. It's not too late, although the good stuff will cost you, a perfectly serviceable revolver can go for a couple hundred. Don't forget the ammo, at least a couple boxes of it.

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I do Appreciate your comment and have made similar comments myself, understanding that "getting started" is done on a "gradient" one step at a time. But that assumes the "Time" to "ramp up". Let's also lay out a "milestone" or sooner goals.

Handguns are "sidearms" especially in Rural areas. Long guns, and ammo for each "arm" in the hundreds of rounds, or that "arm" may just become a paperweight.

"Time" Is Short, Very short, imo. Conduct Yourselves Accordingly, all the best......

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I've recently discovered how little is required to 'cross the line' and receive an in-person 'interview' from federal agents. Over social media posts, no less. Just sharing FYI...I've learned my lesson and now I know I'm on their 'lists.'

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