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No amount of tyranny (which is used to destroy the Republic) is acceptable. To yield to tyranny is to give up your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Second Amendment (right to keep and bear arms) was included in the Bill of Rights to ensure we, the people, have the right and means to overthrow a tyrannical government. Failure to exercise your rights is compliance. Silence is compliance. Do not comply. Resist all action meant to diminish or destroy your rights.

As GenEarly has pointed out, the period from November to at least mid-January may become the most chaotic, anarchistic time in American history since the unCivil War. It is incumbent on all patriots to prepare for the mayhem, rioting, arson, robbery and death. This may be your final chance to prep. Stock up on food, water, medicine, power supply, and, most importantly, guns and ammo. Also, due to the precarious condition of the nation's finances, you will be wise to convert your mostly useless Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) into gold, silver and other tradeable commodities. Your failure to prepare may bring about the final death of the Republic, and possibly, your own death. Fight or fall.

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It is very scary when you think about it. The mass rioting and destruction when Trump wins will most definitely trigger a national emergency and martial law. If they manage to steal it, they may very well run false flags to achieve the same end.

The war that everyone is warning about isn't WW-III, it's the domestic war in the US. I wouldn't call it a civil war, because it will be the kinetic action resulting from a corrupt communist takeover rather than citizens fighting each other control. WW-III would most definitely follow, other nations seeking to change their regional status quo will take advantage of the US disarray. Israel or Iran will strike first one or the other. RU will most likely finish the job in Ukraine, and certainly, China will take Taiwan.

The ensuing financial crisis will cause shortages across the board - food and energy scarcity will make things significantly worse in the US. Don't count on the grid, reliable power or water, if not at first, then eventually. People will starve and freeze over the following winter months. The US would also be ripe for invasion. What ever rises out of the chaos in the US, it will face a new international landscape.

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Great comments.

May I add that white folks, in particular, are targeted for the starving and freezing treatments. I feel it will be a very unfortunate time to be without home ownership ("leasing" via taxation).

Those essential crimigrant voters are going to need furnished housing, dammit, and now!

I sense a slow but steady awareness in black "Muricans that their prime location at the trough may be threatened. They, like we porch honkies, are not "selected" anymore.

There could be scuffles all over the place.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I swear on my ancesters graves I will resist untill my last breath.

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My goal is to defend. When I am advanced upon by illegitimate militaries, LEO's or crimigrant mobs or tribes, well, I can think of no better time to make new friends.

Sandbags, which are incredibly versatile, can be had for $50.00/ 100 by ordering through Home Depot.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Voting matters only in a weird, and mostly unpredictable way:


Americans have been irreversibly divided in a poetic variety of ways:


Personally, I drew my line for myself several years ago:


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