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Feb 15, 2023
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Bill McClintock is a genius.

My favourite is Spiceknot - "If You Wanna Breathe My Sulfur"


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Graphene-based bugs stuffed with cellulous is on the menu boys and girls. At least those of them who haven't a garden...

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“I stand guilty of my own frivolity. Time for "Big Boy Rules" in Food Prep, Security & Arms Prep, Alternative Medical Prep.” <- We’ve been preparing like this for years...no particular reasons, but for numerous reasons: hurricane, floods, zombies 😉, war...many reasons.

As an aside, when I first read your title, I read it as saying TRANNY TRAIN! 😂

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Maybe "Tranny Train" will be next week :-)

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Hahaha ya never know with the 🤡 world we’re currently living in.

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Great post. Love the train song and artwork.

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Think about it. Everyone now knows that the United States is a paper tiger which cannot produce enough ammo to supply the Ukraine, let alone for itself. Hypersonic missiles have render that vast carrier fleets obsolete, just as were battleships so rendered in the last only big war which the United States has won since 1945. Not only that ... the United States' biggest export item, Fake Imaginary Money, is no longer wanted by most of the rest of the world. The clock is ticking and running out. The last few grains of sand flee the upper chamber of the hour glass. The Emperor is Naked. The whole world sees it. The only question remaining is the nature and character of the implosion. Bang? Or Whimper?

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on the "fake imaginary money", when it is no longer wanted by the rest of the world; Is Now, but "disconnecting is a tight wire walk" of selling off our debt but not collapsing the market for our debt. It is Gradual, but as the air is going, then rushing, Out of the Bubble, everyone rushes to the exit in a last minute dash to cash out, many will be left holding the empty bag. It's a deleverging Ponzi Scheme from what I've read.

I am doing the same, trading paper money as available outside of debt payments into hard assets, like gold & silver, mainly silver due to my budget. (also Food storage, & self defense)

I'm thinking it is both a Bang and a Whimper, whimpering now as the dollar value declines aka inflation, then when "the music stops", Bang into chaotic Civil Disturbances.

just guessing though ......

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Ha! Just lost my reply to you. That will teach me. And I cannot possibly redo it. However, I basically agree with you assessment.

Your hard assets at the very least will remonitize handsomely, as is my guess, in terms of new sound commodity backed foreign currency which seems to be emerging in the Asian hub region. The ruble, much to the surprise of the Geniuses on the Potomac, is now the strongest currency in the world. I am not even going to guess what the Idiots are going to do in the USA other than suit their Control Mania.

However, once the plug gets pulled, all boats go down. Even gold and silver might dive in notional dollar terms. But if it happens, it will be in paper gold. None can clearly project forward. But as you are doing the right things, in time you will come out all to the good.

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This is the sequel to 'the lost' Comment. (And, I probably didn't learn a thing!)

As below, this video will render up the best all in on place fallout from one of the greatest miscalculations in all history, sanctioning and the ensuing Walk-Away Movement as it moves on into a new international monetary regimen (basket of currencies, with commodity backing). LMBA is the London Bullion Market Association. The also is the LME. Algos refers to algorithms box trading. Don't let the jargon mess you up. McGuire is an old hand and the real deal. One of the benefits of the Walk-Away and the re-emergence of international trade settlement in currencies decoupled from USD is the likely re-emergence of real price discovery. The video explains this well, its significance, and much more. See what you think.


The other key factor, largely unrecognized, is that beginning in late August 2019 liquidity in debt markets locked up in the EU and the US. US banks in New York would not lend overnight to Europe (Repo markets). Market makers in Treasuries also were in danger of going under. By first quarter 2020, things had gotten much gotten much worse. The big central banks had a big problem (Fed and ECB) and a solution had to be found.

Covid and the Fake-demic was that solution. Covid solved the Blame Game problem for an on-going financial collapse. And it also came with icing on the cake. It enabled the funding of the Control/Terror State agendas (Green, Great Reset, population enslavement/control and reduction). Nonetheless, it still remains most important to remember that the primary, the first in line objective of covid was the cover up central bank culpability for the impending financial calamity then in progress. In this regard, the Fake-demic was a rip-roaring success. And all eyes to this day are still directed away from the central banks. And when the inevitable day of final reckoning comes, the central banks are sure to have the cure, including digital control currency. And all banker fingers will still point at the Evil C(ovid) as the event which changed the world. But scratch the surface and the whole thing is as stupid as balloons and space aliens. One can only wonder at the sheer mass of invincible ignorance afoot these days in a masses which populate the earth!

But wait! Another major change has occured. The Federal Reserve which had been the Lender of last resort is now also THE BUYER of last resort. And I hear that the Federal Reserve is buying up all unwanted debt, plus buying equities to prop up the stock exchanges. This is all being done out of sight and no doubt with a double set of books. And once central banks' owners have bought up as much as possible and have milked the cow as dry as possible ... only then will the plug be pulled. How it will play out, I don't exactly know. I fear it could be horrific. And I think they are engineering a final collapse event so that the people will beg them 'to be saved' when it was they who are the authors of all human misery. I keeping hoping for mitigations, but I don't count on it.

The wild card is the Walk-Away countries. Russia is doing quite well. The rouble now is the strongest currency in the world. China a production capacity like the USA use to have going into WWII plus adequate commodity resources access. India growth is around 6.8 or so percent of GDP. It is quite likely BRICS Plus will not suffer as much a the Five Eyes countries.

We shall see!

My best to you!

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With almost 32 Trillion in USSA Debt and a current interest rate from the Fed of 4.58% How much $ is the Fed Collecting???

Nice Fed Reserve Bankster Scam, "Print" Paper that the Feral Gov Demands use of as "money" and then charge "Interest" on the paper to fill your pockets.

Digital will be "cheaper", no printing, just keyboard time.??? and better Tracking of Sheeples!!!

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