That Deagle forecast is something else. Why only the Western countries it seems? The defense spending seems to correlate as it plummets.

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I take that back and say MOSTLY Western countries. Regardless its very strange.

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"Plummets" is the Key Word. Before anything can be sorted out, We must survive the Big "P". All the best, We need each other, though We don't know each other, and may not live near each other ..... We do need each other to Survive First.

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UNITED WE STAND And evil falls

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A dismal scenario I nightmare about involves a nuclear-scorched earth, and thanks to the USSA's Continuity of Government (CoG) program, nobody inhabits God's once-green Earth but commie tyrants from the "administration". One hell of a gene sewer for humanity.

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A distinct possibility due to the insanity of world "leaders". But even Despots like to Rule Over Something. So the probability is of another World Empire Transfer of Power. That the ChiComs already OWN the Feral DC Coup government could actually preclude a nuclear WW III.

A possible scenario is Continuing the Pre-determined Defeat of the USA, ending all remnants of a Republic, reconstituting a USSA in the image of ChiCom China. Canada is a prime example of the Vassal slave state ...... just ahead of us.

To subjugate Us, We must be disarmed and starved. Thus the Remedy is also apparent.

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all that allow to comment Are Shared -- ALLWAYS GOD WINS

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Sitting on my front porch reading this, I thought I heard geese honking flying over. I got up to look, thinking, I may never get the chance to see this again.


I don't find this shit amusing anymore.

Thanks for your input. No one is gonna like what's coming. At least no sane ones.

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Hopefully there are some who will remain and be sane , but I also have similar moments as yours .......

Cold Fury, keep to business at hand... All the best .....

"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” – VADM James Stockdale, USN Vietnam POW, Medal of Honor.

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I digested that article about Deagle a bit earlier. The only comment was supplied by someone who goes by “Paranoid Pete.” It seemed to be another addendum from a Deagle associate in Sept 2020. After reading it carefully I have to say the guy simply has a common sense. There’s nothing magical or sinister about their predictions. They (Deagle) understood all of the catastrophic trends that seem to be floating around us and assume one or more of them will finally catch up to us. Unfortunately he is correct and it will no doubt bring with it much suffering and pain.

That’s something I have struggled with the last couple of years. I thought, and correctly so if I may be so bold, that if enough people were to awaken this travesty might yet be avoided. Like I said in theory it might work but here’s the problem: How are we going to wake them in time? As most of you know it ain’t easy.

At this point I assume it’s best to plan on the collapse as imminent. And as the General says we must “Survive the Big P.” P being short for the plummet or loss of life. Try to figure out how to regroup thereafter. Been advocating for using the Gadsden flag as sort of a universal emblem perhaps. They are pretty well distributed and in the hands of most like minded individuals. If not that we should consider something else. Those will be the type of people I will gravitate to and trust they won’t split my skull…..All the Best!!

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I expect depopulation with infrastructure (minus grid) to be destroyed.

EMP, quite possibly via their proxy puppet NKor, would be destruction of us with plausible deniability to the CCP. Not that they would need it, being "king of the world" does have its' advantages....

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Should have read "infrastructure (minus grid) preserved", not destroyed....

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