Great memes. My favorite is Kennedy's.

The only objection I have is that I don't think WW3 will be anywhere else, but on TV and in a few false flags in the tradition of 9/11. The Russians, the Chinese, and the US usurpers are allies, all serving their globalist masters.

Well, I'm not particularly optimistic about the power of truth, either. People who spend their lives in lies, can't tell the truth from their own lies at first, and later they insist on it being the truth. This time, they have enough power to enforce it, as it happened through the plandemic and the decades-long history of political correctness.

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Life on Planet Earth, Comrade. The Revolution of 1775 was Good because We Won. The Separation of 1861 was Bad because it was Won/Lost depending upon where you stood.

Now it may seem another Separation is coming, It will be judged by Who Wins.

No one is ever 100% "Right" or "Wrong", excepting the Psychopathic 2%.

The Power of Truth resides within Each Individual, but the mirror must be avoided. Responsibility as Cause, not Blame, shifted to Another. I'm not preaching, I do it too. It's just that I should know better.

All the best; as We blunder onwards, trying the best we can, hopefully.

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The first fiat currency was the British Pound in 1692. Since then, the crooks have been only expanding their criminal empire.

The Articles of Confederation were still good, and the Constitution only enabled the current robber barons to succeed. The (un)Civil War was only a start, followed by the incorporation of the Federal Government in the City of London, and the country was completely stolen with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

This time, everyone will lose, and that includes the globalist technocrats:


The latest ruse is to taint food with graphene:


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Pictures are worth a thousand truths - thanks for sharing the memes. They are more powerful than we know.

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Only if you in turn Share with others. All the best

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General, how is your BP after putting a newsletter together? After reading this letter and other observations...mine redlines ‘cause being impotent in the face of such wrongdoing and being unable to make a difference and seeing NO AUTHORITY act to limit the damage...well, I’m just circling the wagons.

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Finding "an action" in the Real World, not the internet blogs, that puts You at Cause. An action that furthers your personal survival First. Like buying long term food for at least 3-6 months, self defensive training, gardening, etc. Secondly seek a "betterment" group to join, any local community oriented basic values organization, communication with others on an agreed upon reality creates friendships, which we all need.. Thirdly use one & two to become a Point of Stability to yourself & others. Take it in sequence so as not to overwhelm your purpose and become apathetic. When going thru hell, keep moving. All the best.

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I saw your comment on another column something to the effect that you thought you had worn out those in the comments section of ‘Coffee and Covid’.

You have not, I believe, begun to fight.

There’s more fight in you.

Please tell me you haven’t given up.

I have, to the degree of not believing that we can change what is coming. And what I see coming is the judgement of the Almighty One.....not just to the Americas. We may be first as judgement begins. His RIGHTEOUS judgement. I believe, the “cup of iniquities” may just finally be full.

In His judgement, I pray He remembers Mercy.

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It is always a tightrope to express yourself without alienating those you are communicating with.

I'm not worn out, but the problem is becoming more acute in that the time left to communicate in a genteel manner is over.

For instance, You have your view of the "judgement of the Almighty One". My view is that this "judgement" is Ours through the principle of Free Will. (for better or worse). btw,Old churches back in the hills are often called "Free Will".

We are not minons, We are a "portion" of the Almighty, having been at the Creation. We just haven't Risen to the level of Responsibility required, hence the continuing cycles of destruction.

I think God expects more of us, not just expecting God to handle our travails for us.

All that being said, Communication is like handling lightning, and now to do it as a societal tornado approaches. All the best to you and yours

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I don't understand the dislikes on this particular post. Come to think of it, I don't understand dislikes of truth no matter how many times it is spoken. Biggest problem is that so few folks will bother to hear even if passed on. And yes, I do pass on. BTW, while I have no problem with either CW and WW, I can guarantee there is no way to salvage this country. Reason? How many bad apples need to be pitched? Then again, who am I to decide other than from a defensive perspective? Oh well, still waiting for the dance music. Let's boogie.

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and "Dance" We Will. Just do the best we can to "choose" our music and dance.

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I appreciate your posts, and also your insights on C&C. One of your posts on Jeff’s ‘Stack is how I found you, so please continue. I agree that we should be preparing for the inevitable, and that’s where my primary focus lies. Keep up the good work!

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