Interesting that you mention “All Along the Watchtower” -- Where are all the watchers when we need them most?
Of course, you’re manning the watchtower and even Coffee & Covid, various physicians speaking out, other regular guys like you, etc.
But as CS Lewis so presciently discussed in his essay, Abolition of Man, our society and that of our European brethren have few people left willing to run the race and keep the evil at bay for its women, elderly, and children. “Men without chests” are a large majority of Western culture (and many non-western ones as well).
Interesting that women respond in greater number and more favorably to my bluntest post assessments of situations. I think the abuse of children strikes the heart of real women like MTG ....
I know there Are Real Men remaining in America, perhaps the III% can Do It Again. I'll have to be in the auxillary support due to age, but then I have less to lose, due to age.
If the "political" system can't handle the situation, and it can't imo ; then it goes kinetic from "something" as Matt Bracken said in this substack.
Also Michael Yon said "It's Conditions" not the "something" that indicate what's coming. Like a dry or wet forest is the condition, and lightening is the "something". Different outcomes from the same something. The Forest is Very Dry. CYA as always.
It is interesting, but NOT surprising about the women responding to your posts. And I agree with you completely -- there definitely ARE many true men (with chests) in our nation and in several others. It seems as if a lot of them are, perhaps, intellectually awake, but their hearts remain asleep. And, you’re right, SOMETHING (who knows what) will awaken the sleepers and the we will hopefully have a chance.
Our small city near the Wisconsin border has had an empty 1.8 million square foot former Motorola plant. The hubris of the founders grandson plopped it here amongst no main highways and rail in 1997. It was making phones. Not digital but ANALOG. Very stupeedo wouldn’t you say? But the city bought the magic. Some made bookoo bucks. Well, by 2003 it was gone with the mammoth building rotting in the northern Illinois air. A couple of years ago it was bought by an investor. Oops. Subsequently arrested for securities fraud and the Feds took over the building. Nothing until recently and there are Federal signs, keep out shit and cameras all over near the road. If you crane your neck you could see trucks and guys in hazmat suits, etc. bet there’s dogs too. I heard today from a zoning committee member that the CIA has taken it over and I’m sure CIA contractors or such are ensconced. This zoning person has no reason to lie but won’t say much. I wonder if it will remain on Google maps. Lol. I’m keeping my ears and eyes open.
My first thought was a Fema Camp, but then the Hazmat enters a different perspective.
Feral Gov Anything is to be avoided imo.
Lots of old Army bases in the South, probably repurposed. Fort AP Hill in VA was training troops in Domestic Insurgency years ago. I'm sure Gen Hill, CSA finds that quite ironic.
The place deteriorated over the years and mold took over the place and the weather got in. FEMA camp is kind of an interesting thought, though. It’s a huge property. I can see it.
Mold Remediation explains the Hazmat suits, so put the Fema Camp conspiracy back on the table or maybe the ChiComs are going to open a Balloon Factory !
Yeah. That line "Just like every other technological revolution in history", just blew me up. WTF?
NO. There hasn't ever been anything like this even possible.
The complexity of every aspect of this 5GUW is mind numbing (to me) and taken as much as one can, together, defy a "two minute cliff notes" approach to communicating the shocking reality of what's happening to anyone not well versed, and that's most of them.
"I feel your pain" as Brother Clintoon said. But it's part of the Operation to keep so many Pogroms juggling in the Air that it's almost impossible to Focus on One or more than a handful. The more technical are misunderstood by terminology and glossed over.
Dumb it down for Us, post it here or there, and put it on your own substack. 5G and AI and Cloud Based Tech, Surveillence, and Dark Web??? WTF ??? Let me Know More,
I'm Interested, but Ignorant. :-) I barely and I do mean "barely" can do this substack ;-)
You give yourself far too little credit. You're doing yeoman's work with this, we could debate your "ignorance" and I'll continue to read you.
C&C had me going, been reading several of late and frankly, I was impressed with his style.
"Just like every other technological revolution in history" is an insult to even
a subpar 8th grade intelligence and grotesquely patronizing. As, in "just relax kids, this is just more dumb shit from the idiot government like has always been happening, everything's gonna be fine", and I'm saying BULL F*CKING SHIT !!!!
Mankind has had Nuclear self annihilation capability since the 1940's. I remember "duck and cover" drills (getting under our desks in grade school) in the early 60's. I vaguely remember the Cuban Missile crisis that prompted those, but as we all now know nothing came of it.
Fast forward to 2023 and we see ourselves staring at the all too realistic potential of lighting off a vastly more potent (and globally terminal) Nuclear fireball on, count 'em, THREE different fronts. NOT my childhood's 3 or 4 missiles kind of thing.
And we can start here with the complexity considerations.
Some (count me among them) think this approachment to Armageddon a distraction to allow the "time release" phase of the biomedical genocide to continue unabated and unnoticed and/or even a desirable (if they can make it go that way) add on to it.
There is nothing they will not or (and it's looking like) can not do.
As well schooled readers understand we are facing terminal phases of a war that has been being waged for millenia - that of Good vs Evil, and it's not looking terribly hopeful for the good guys right now. There is reasoned speculation world pop is down by 2 billion from '20 as I write, and we're a long way from finished with what has been (is being) unleashed.
These bioweapons systems are:
1) intentionally mischaracterized as "vaccines" to be acceptable to an uninformed public
2) biosynthetic -do not occur in nature
3) parasitic in nature - powered in part by "hijacking" their host's biological energy generation systems -chronic fatigue
4) self assembling
5) self aware
6) self replicating
7) pre-programmed
8) programmable in situ (can be "upgraded" remotely via EMF radiation)
9) functional EMF transmitter/receivers
10) engineered to mimic human biological structures -can replace and function as- biological organisms/human cells
11) toxin payload delivery systems
12) cytotoxic (apart from other considerations) due to "nano" scale
13) deliverable by; a) injection, b) inhalation, c) absorption, d) contact (touch) e) bodily fluid exchange, f) atmospheric aerosol distribution {chem trails}, g) food supply, h) water supply
14) capable (in some embodiments) of retaining toxic payload until directed to release by a remote EMF signal.
Dr Robert Malone, an inventor of the mRNA technology has described it as an "ehtical entry platform" for transhumanism. I am inclined to accept his word. It is an operating system. "Programming human cells just like computers", per O'Biden.
This much is "known" now. 80% of the contents/ingredients of the bioweapons systems is as yet "unknown", that is to say "undisclosed", protected as a "trade secret" of the manufacturers.
One should give a nod to generations of Military Grade legalized propagandizaton of the US populace to accept absurdities, i.e. Trans, Follow the Science, We're the Government, We're here to help.
Accept the US Congress can just vote to not investigate allegations of fraud brought by more that a hundred Congressmen in a Presidential Election and install a fraud.
Accept SCOTUS can just choose not to hear allegations of fraud in a Presidential Election brought by 26 State's Attorneys General and allow a fraud to remain installed.
Accept an installed fraud can willfully dissolve a thousand plus mile National border and precipitate a shotless foreign invasion.
Accept in the process of such invasion the installed fraud makes the USA the largest child sex and human slave trafficker in world history.
Accept the FDA can just change the definition of vaccine because the bioweapons it is approving does not meet the definition.
Accept the FDA can ignore all it's guidelines for recalling an obvious failed and wildly fatal medical product and refuse to stop it's distribution.
Accept an installed fraud as President who states there are 53 genders.
Accept the US Congress can make law that "holds harmless" medical products manufacturers who make products that kill thousands and maim millions.
Accept Federal agents can mandate hospital treatment protocols that kill hundreds of thousands.
Accept Federal employees and agencies can lie about early treatments to facilitate the production and sale of biological weapons that result in hundreds of thousands of needless deaths.
Accept that that's ok.
Imagine a world where a global biological weapons campaign is waged to coincide with the forseen failure of a fiat currency/central bank debtor financial system so that the owners can convert it to CBDC and control it all.
The part I like imagining is the reclamation.
There will be survivors.
Those stalwart Keepers of The Faith will be charged with rebuilding the remnants of societies world wide without the burdens of the evil slavery structures that our owners have heretofore imprisoned us with.
All the advances in energy and all the basic sciences that have been ruthlessly suppressed will be brought forth in societies that are not irredeemably rooted in greed and they will abound. They exist aplenty. They have been denied us by soulless wanton evil. That evil is facing if's final sunset.
Interesting that you mention “All Along the Watchtower” -- Where are all the watchers when we need them most?
Of course, you’re manning the watchtower and even Coffee & Covid, various physicians speaking out, other regular guys like you, etc.
But as CS Lewis so presciently discussed in his essay, Abolition of Man, our society and that of our European brethren have few people left willing to run the race and keep the evil at bay for its women, elderly, and children. “Men without chests” are a large majority of Western culture (and many non-western ones as well).
Interesting that women respond in greater number and more favorably to my bluntest post assessments of situations. I think the abuse of children strikes the heart of real women like MTG ....
I know there Are Real Men remaining in America, perhaps the III% can Do It Again. I'll have to be in the auxillary support due to age, but then I have less to lose, due to age.
If the "political" system can't handle the situation, and it can't imo ; then it goes kinetic from "something" as Matt Bracken said in this substack.
Also Michael Yon said "It's Conditions" not the "something" that indicate what's coming. Like a dry or wet forest is the condition, and lightening is the "something". Different outcomes from the same something. The Forest is Very Dry. CYA as always.
It is interesting, but NOT surprising about the women responding to your posts. And I agree with you completely -- there definitely ARE many true men (with chests) in our nation and in several others. It seems as if a lot of them are, perhaps, intellectually awake, but their hearts remain asleep. And, you’re right, SOMETHING (who knows what) will awaken the sleepers and the we will hopefully have a chance.
Our small city near the Wisconsin border has had an empty 1.8 million square foot former Motorola plant. The hubris of the founders grandson plopped it here amongst no main highways and rail in 1997. It was making phones. Not digital but ANALOG. Very stupeedo wouldn’t you say? But the city bought the magic. Some made bookoo bucks. Well, by 2003 it was gone with the mammoth building rotting in the northern Illinois air. A couple of years ago it was bought by an investor. Oops. Subsequently arrested for securities fraud and the Feds took over the building. Nothing until recently and there are Federal signs, keep out shit and cameras all over near the road. If you crane your neck you could see trucks and guys in hazmat suits, etc. bet there’s dogs too. I heard today from a zoning committee member that the CIA has taken it over and I’m sure CIA contractors or such are ensconced. This zoning person has no reason to lie but won’t say much. I wonder if it will remain on Google maps. Lol. I’m keeping my ears and eyes open.
I looked on Google earth. The site is all blurred out and erased now. Interesting.
My first thought was a Fema Camp, but then the Hazmat enters a different perspective.
Feral Gov Anything is to be avoided imo.
Lots of old Army bases in the South, probably repurposed. Fort AP Hill in VA was training troops in Domestic Insurgency years ago. I'm sure Gen Hill, CSA finds that quite ironic.
The place deteriorated over the years and mold took over the place and the weather got in. FEMA camp is kind of an interesting thought, though. It’s a huge property. I can see it.
Mold Remediation explains the Hazmat suits, so put the Fema Camp conspiracy back on the table or maybe the ChiComs are going to open a Balloon Factory !
Ha. It was first touted as a company to make protective gloves for domestic made PPE in order to not buy them (for our next pandemic) from China.
I take that back. It’s still on Google as Motorola site. I’ll be watching though.
Yeah. That line "Just like every other technological revolution in history", just blew me up. WTF?
NO. There hasn't ever been anything like this even possible.
The complexity of every aspect of this 5GUW is mind numbing (to me) and taken as much as one can, together, defy a "two minute cliff notes" approach to communicating the shocking reality of what's happening to anyone not well versed, and that's most of them.
"I feel your pain" as Brother Clintoon said. But it's part of the Operation to keep so many Pogroms juggling in the Air that it's almost impossible to Focus on One or more than a handful. The more technical are misunderstood by terminology and glossed over.
Dumb it down for Us, post it here or there, and put it on your own substack. 5G and AI and Cloud Based Tech, Surveillence, and Dark Web??? WTF ??? Let me Know More,
I'm Interested, but Ignorant. :-) I barely and I do mean "barely" can do this substack ;-)
Thank you for this invitation.
You give yourself far too little credit. You're doing yeoman's work with this, we could debate your "ignorance" and I'll continue to read you.
C&C had me going, been reading several of late and frankly, I was impressed with his style.
"Just like every other technological revolution in history" is an insult to even
a subpar 8th grade intelligence and grotesquely patronizing. As, in "just relax kids, this is just more dumb shit from the idiot government like has always been happening, everything's gonna be fine", and I'm saying BULL F*CKING SHIT !!!!
Mankind has had Nuclear self annihilation capability since the 1940's. I remember "duck and cover" drills (getting under our desks in grade school) in the early 60's. I vaguely remember the Cuban Missile crisis that prompted those, but as we all now know nothing came of it.
Fast forward to 2023 and we see ourselves staring at the all too realistic potential of lighting off a vastly more potent (and globally terminal) Nuclear fireball on, count 'em, THREE different fronts. NOT my childhood's 3 or 4 missiles kind of thing.
And we can start here with the complexity considerations.
Some (count me among them) think this approachment to Armageddon a distraction to allow the "time release" phase of the biomedical genocide to continue unabated and unnoticed and/or even a desirable (if they can make it go that way) add on to it.
There is nothing they will not or (and it's looking like) can not do.
As well schooled readers understand we are facing terminal phases of a war that has been being waged for millenia - that of Good vs Evil, and it's not looking terribly hopeful for the good guys right now. There is reasoned speculation world pop is down by 2 billion from '20 as I write, and we're a long way from finished with what has been (is being) unleashed.
These bioweapons systems are:
1) intentionally mischaracterized as "vaccines" to be acceptable to an uninformed public
2) biosynthetic -do not occur in nature
3) parasitic in nature - powered in part by "hijacking" their host's biological energy generation systems -chronic fatigue
4) self assembling
5) self aware
6) self replicating
7) pre-programmed
8) programmable in situ (can be "upgraded" remotely via EMF radiation)
9) functional EMF transmitter/receivers
10) engineered to mimic human biological structures -can replace and function as- biological organisms/human cells
11) toxin payload delivery systems
12) cytotoxic (apart from other considerations) due to "nano" scale
13) deliverable by; a) injection, b) inhalation, c) absorption, d) contact (touch) e) bodily fluid exchange, f) atmospheric aerosol distribution {chem trails}, g) food supply, h) water supply
14) capable (in some embodiments) of retaining toxic payload until directed to release by a remote EMF signal.
Dr Robert Malone, an inventor of the mRNA technology has described it as an "ehtical entry platform" for transhumanism. I am inclined to accept his word. It is an operating system. "Programming human cells just like computers", per O'Biden.
This much is "known" now. 80% of the contents/ingredients of the bioweapons systems is as yet "unknown", that is to say "undisclosed", protected as a "trade secret" of the manufacturers.
One should give a nod to generations of Military Grade legalized propagandizaton of the US populace to accept absurdities, i.e. Trans, Follow the Science, We're the Government, We're here to help.
Accept the US Congress can just vote to not investigate allegations of fraud brought by more that a hundred Congressmen in a Presidential Election and install a fraud.
Accept SCOTUS can just choose not to hear allegations of fraud in a Presidential Election brought by 26 State's Attorneys General and allow a fraud to remain installed.
Accept an installed fraud can willfully dissolve a thousand plus mile National border and precipitate a shotless foreign invasion.
Accept in the process of such invasion the installed fraud makes the USA the largest child sex and human slave trafficker in world history.
Accept the FDA can just change the definition of vaccine because the bioweapons it is approving does not meet the definition.
Accept the FDA can ignore all it's guidelines for recalling an obvious failed and wildly fatal medical product and refuse to stop it's distribution.
Accept an installed fraud as President who states there are 53 genders.
Accept the US Congress can make law that "holds harmless" medical products manufacturers who make products that kill thousands and maim millions.
Accept Federal agents can mandate hospital treatment protocols that kill hundreds of thousands.
Accept Federal employees and agencies can lie about early treatments to facilitate the production and sale of biological weapons that result in hundreds of thousands of needless deaths.
Accept that that's ok.
Imagine a world where a global biological weapons campaign is waged to coincide with the forseen failure of a fiat currency/central bank debtor financial system so that the owners can convert it to CBDC and control it all.
The part I like imagining is the reclamation.
There will be survivors.
Those stalwart Keepers of The Faith will be charged with rebuilding the remnants of societies world wide without the burdens of the evil slavery structures that our owners have heretofore imprisoned us with.
All the advances in energy and all the basic sciences that have been ruthlessly suppressed will be brought forth in societies that are not irredeemably rooted in greed and they will abound. They exist aplenty. They have been denied us by soulless wanton evil. That evil is facing if's final sunset.
Be Strong.
Be among them.