Here in Alabama, I've been working on a new slogan. Something like, "You send 'em, we'll End 'em," in regards to this invasion. I've quit trying to wake anyone else up or even be concerned about the future for myself. I know how this is going to end for me, and I'm fine with it. It's impossible to threaten me with Heaven.

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What is wrong with Trump? He offends people with the in your crooked, corrupt, lying face TRUTH they don't want hear and they don't want anyone else to hear it either.

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Words may be harsh, Bullets are harsher still. CW's are messy, confusing affairs; Think the break up of Yugoslavia, not the orderlyness of 1860-61's break up.

We/Me/You still have not fully conceptualized Our future, perhaps it's impossible to do; It just may, Must be Experienced to Understand. Words are mere representations of Actions.

I also can have "difficulties" with what I write, but I use history as a guide, as it "rhymes" again and again. over and over.

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