I Forwarded this post to my friends and family. FYI, I was very impressed with everything that you wrote or added, so I shared it with them, and attached this note:
There must be Someone out there that needs to read this posting. Either it's a solid reminder, and an affirmation on how you see things going. OR It's a GIANT Wakeup Call to the Normies who should be Awake by Now, but aren't even stirring yet... You have to decide. This Guy is Amazing, as many of you may agree. I try to send every post that I receive from him. I personally still have hope that there will be a dramatic semi-peaceful upheaval that will right this derailed train, and get an OEM Constitutional rebuild of America back on track, turned around 180 deg., and heading in the right direction again. It's Going To Take A LOT of Work, and Heavy Lifting. We may not even have enough time, and perhaps I'm the Fool, but that is my fervent prayer. Happy New Year Everyone. Thank God for your every blessing large and small. Like the worried passenger, on the airplane that has lost all but one engine, asks the pilot: How far will this single engine take us? All the way to the crash site, ma'am, answered the Pilot, all the way to the crash site. So Tighten Your Seatbelts folks, we still have a ways to go. Thank You for all that you do. It is appreciated by many.
Thank you, That's Why I post, my purpose is to Awaken, and Get People to Pre-pare, as many as possible.
"Events Create the E-Motions =Motion & Movements." 1775 Preceded the Continental Congress by over a year, Declaration of Independence in 1776. We the People Do Determine Our Future, Individually and as a Group.
Robert E. Lee was a great, generous, and heart-full man. His heart was broken after the war, and yet he served, and made W & L into a first-rate college.
My heart ache continues. Having lost the War for Southern Independence, pledging anew to a United States for another century; It is now unravelling & dissolving again due to Foreign & Domestic Enemies. Enemies to be found in the Feral DC Coup Gov & Bolshevik Woke Populace.
Perhaps the VaXXX "Cleansing" is God's seperating the wheat from the chaff, A watering of Mr Jefferson's Tree of Patriots & Tyrants alike, unfortunate that some Patriots got the VaXXX, but that is the character of War and this is War.
Interesting perspective... I often wonder if we are under God's chastening or His judgement. One presages mercy and restoration.. The other, too horrible to contemplate.
It's a terrible thing when we insist on "our own way", and He finally says, "OK, if you insist"..
I Forwarded this post to my friends and family. FYI, I was very impressed with everything that you wrote or added, so I shared it with them, and attached this note:
There must be Someone out there that needs to read this posting. Either it's a solid reminder, and an affirmation on how you see things going. OR It's a GIANT Wakeup Call to the Normies who should be Awake by Now, but aren't even stirring yet... You have to decide. This Guy is Amazing, as many of you may agree. I try to send every post that I receive from him. I personally still have hope that there will be a dramatic semi-peaceful upheaval that will right this derailed train, and get an OEM Constitutional rebuild of America back on track, turned around 180 deg., and heading in the right direction again. It's Going To Take A LOT of Work, and Heavy Lifting. We may not even have enough time, and perhaps I'm the Fool, but that is my fervent prayer. Happy New Year Everyone. Thank God for your every blessing large and small. Like the worried passenger, on the airplane that has lost all but one engine, asks the pilot: How far will this single engine take us? All the way to the crash site, ma'am, answered the Pilot, all the way to the crash site. So Tighten Your Seatbelts folks, we still have a ways to go. Thank You for all that you do. It is appreciated by many.
Thank you, That's Why I post, my purpose is to Awaken, and Get People to Pre-pare, as many as possible.
"Events Create the E-Motions =Motion & Movements." 1775 Preceded the Continental Congress by over a year, Declaration of Independence in 1776. We the People Do Determine Our Future, Individually and as a Group.
Robert E. Lee was a great, generous, and heart-full man. His heart was broken after the war, and yet he served, and made W & L into a first-rate college.
What a man! What a spirit and heart.
My heart ache continues. Having lost the War for Southern Independence, pledging anew to a United States for another century; It is now unravelling & dissolving again due to Foreign & Domestic Enemies. Enemies to be found in the Feral DC Coup Gov & Bolshevik Woke Populace.
Perhaps the VaXXX "Cleansing" is God's seperating the wheat from the chaff, A watering of Mr Jefferson's Tree of Patriots & Tyrants alike, unfortunate that some Patriots got the VaXXX, but that is the character of War and this is War.
Interesting perspective... I often wonder if we are under God's chastening or His judgement. One presages mercy and restoration.. The other, too horrible to contemplate.
It's a terrible thing when we insist on "our own way", and He finally says, "OK, if you insist"..
2023, bring it on! I really dgaf!!