A new place for us to share ideas
Guess I'm just stupid; but I can't seem to figure out how to navigate to your post on notes. Doesn't help that I'm equally brain dead on social media since I don't do twitter, FB etc.
You're Asking ME??? LOL Comrade. i just hunt and push keys until something pops up or erases!!!
Mag dumps is about as technical as I get. I'm a historian remember??? :-)
I'll see what i can do
I got it. Callooh! Callay! Not so stupid after all.
Guess I'm just stupid; but I can't seem to figure out how to navigate to your post on notes. Doesn't help that I'm equally brain dead on social media since I don't do twitter, FB etc.
You're Asking ME??? LOL Comrade. i just hunt and push keys until something pops up or erases!!!
Mag dumps is about as technical as I get. I'm a historian remember??? :-)
I'll see what i can do
I got it. Callooh! Callay! Not so stupid after all.