You've got your finger on the pulse of our dying society.

I wonder if anyone in the government-controlled media will question how an American citizen gets his hands on an AK-47 and who arranged for the attempted assassin to be in position to kill president Trump yesterday. The savages and Marxists that have taken control of Washington, DC do not dare allow him to win the presidency again and their compliant media will continue to provide cover and public relations for the Obama One World Government that is expected to turn up the heat on Russia and Trump voters in the next month.

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semi auto versions of the AK 47 are commonly available. Good post otherwise.

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Thanks for the education, wilson. I wasn't aware of that.

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I haven't seen the pictures of the weapon but now I read that it was a modified SKS. The SKS is also commonly available but neither are a good choice at 500 M. 300 M would probably work but the shooter and the rifle would have to know each other very well.

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Have seen a report thet it was an SKS not an AK 47, the very brief clip I saw it did look like an sks

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I made the unpardonable sin of trusting television news.

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Lol, you must flog yourself with a wet noodle.

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The conduct of the war to decimate humanity by the global tyrants and their accomplices in the Deep State of DC progresses with virtually no resistance from the apathetic, asleep American citizens. These folks allow themselves to be side tracked by the constant barrage of incoming false/red flags events by the wealthy, power hungry cabal. We obsess over rigged elections, botched assassinations attempts and the destruction of our society and culture by disease carrying, violent thugs from 3rd world dictatorships, along with wars that don't involve US security but further enrich the Military-Industrial-Medical Complex. Where is the planning, preparation, organization of those who are, or claim to be Patriots? The Founding Father's weep in their graves. The time, be coming exceedingly short, for action, rebellion is now. Those that procrastinate will be lost, while endangering all of humanity.

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It's important to remember that the Marxist revolution Democrats couldn't have done all of this without the help of the worthless, do nothing Republicans

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