I have never pledged my allegence nor taken an oath to protect annd defend the political parties or any damn politician. I did however Pledge Allegence to the Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all. I Swore an Oath to Defend the U.S. Constitution from all Enemies, both Foriegn and Domestic to the Best of my Abuilities, So Help Me God! Both of which I Hold Sacred to this Day. One Thing that the Military taught me is that no matter what Race, Creed, Gender, or Religion, or which State of the Union one of us came from, NO BODY was any More or Less than the Others. WE WERE, and IMHAO STILL ARE, All willing to lay down our Livlihoods, takeup Arms to fight and Defend our Natiion, our Homeland, and our Families even unto Death. We had an Important Job to do whether it was as a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or a Coastie, a Mechanic, Supply/Logistics Specialist, a Cook, Medical, Security, Plumber, Electrician, Carpenter, Radio Operator, Infantry or the guys who picked up cigarette butts, cleaned the latrines, and painted frigging Rocks out in front of HQ. When the Bell, Claxon, or Siren went off, WE COLLECTIVELY Took on the Enhansed Mantle of the Defenders of Freedom for our Homeland. The Adrennalin was pumping through all of us, we all knew what to do, when and where it was to be done, without fail. Failure wasn't an option. If some one from the southern states, or wherever, was having a hard time with a task, a northern, or an western trooper would gladdly lend a hand to secure that position, or accomplish whatever needed to be fixed. That's just what was done, no questions asked, no arguments, no social engineering dynamics mattered. Everyone had the exact same risk We all knew the penalties of failure, and we were all willing to do what had to be done to achieve the goal. We weren't trained for failure. It wasn't Perfect by any means, it never is, and never will be. Did we have mechanical failures, defective or worn out equipment? Oh Hell Yes... Our Supply Chains Sucked, and the closer you were to the front, the more they Sucked. But We Managed to get through it somehow, and then we could remember those who were lost, retool, reset, replenish and celebrate our accomplishments as they were, or endure seemingly endless drills, testing and readiness evaluations on our less than ideal performances. It was a Magnificent Way to Spend our Days indeed!!
Thank you. Good history, fair and accurate warnings. The questions you ask have what for most are uncomfortable answers - 80 billion left in arms to a death cult in the ME, over 100 billion in support to Ukraine, broken supply chains and energy structure at home and in Europe, the mindless destruction of Syria, the open borders to folk that hate the US, the plandemic erosion of fundamental freedoms, etc... It is a horrible kind of very competent incompetence.
I refer to the late war as the WONA, and I owe no allegiance to this bastardized version of the country that was created by our forefathers. I finally got out of NoVA, and now reside near Red Hill, the home of Patrick Henry. Glad I stumbled across your stack. Deo Vindice.
Good for You!!! I lived in NoVa/MD for six years long ago. Thanks for reading the posts I put up, but Do the same yourself, spread the links. Liberty requires More than What most are Willing to Pay. But PAY We Will. either willing or unwilling, that's the terrible Truth.
Not just confederate but also revolutionary war hero’s are despised. The Marxist’s are terrified by the tea party event and Patric Henry.
Looks like we have ancestors from the same area (S Carolina). On my dad’s side, I have a direct line from Spartanburg -- Blackwell.
I have never pledged my allegence nor taken an oath to protect annd defend the political parties or any damn politician. I did however Pledge Allegence to the Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all. I Swore an Oath to Defend the U.S. Constitution from all Enemies, both Foriegn and Domestic to the Best of my Abuilities, So Help Me God! Both of which I Hold Sacred to this Day. One Thing that the Military taught me is that no matter what Race, Creed, Gender, or Religion, or which State of the Union one of us came from, NO BODY was any More or Less than the Others. WE WERE, and IMHAO STILL ARE, All willing to lay down our Livlihoods, takeup Arms to fight and Defend our Natiion, our Homeland, and our Families even unto Death. We had an Important Job to do whether it was as a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or a Coastie, a Mechanic, Supply/Logistics Specialist, a Cook, Medical, Security, Plumber, Electrician, Carpenter, Radio Operator, Infantry or the guys who picked up cigarette butts, cleaned the latrines, and painted frigging Rocks out in front of HQ. When the Bell, Claxon, or Siren went off, WE COLLECTIVELY Took on the Enhansed Mantle of the Defenders of Freedom for our Homeland. The Adrennalin was pumping through all of us, we all knew what to do, when and where it was to be done, without fail. Failure wasn't an option. If some one from the southern states, or wherever, was having a hard time with a task, a northern, or an western trooper would gladdly lend a hand to secure that position, or accomplish whatever needed to be fixed. That's just what was done, no questions asked, no arguments, no social engineering dynamics mattered. Everyone had the exact same risk We all knew the penalties of failure, and we were all willing to do what had to be done to achieve the goal. We weren't trained for failure. It wasn't Perfect by any means, it never is, and never will be. Did we have mechanical failures, defective or worn out equipment? Oh Hell Yes... Our Supply Chains Sucked, and the closer you were to the front, the more they Sucked. But We Managed to get through it somehow, and then we could remember those who were lost, retool, reset, replenish and celebrate our accomplishments as they were, or endure seemingly endless drills, testing and readiness evaluations on our less than ideal performances. It was a Magnificent Way to Spend our Days indeed!!
Thank you. Good history, fair and accurate warnings. The questions you ask have what for most are uncomfortable answers - 80 billion left in arms to a death cult in the ME, over 100 billion in support to Ukraine, broken supply chains and energy structure at home and in Europe, the mindless destruction of Syria, the open borders to folk that hate the US, the plandemic erosion of fundamental freedoms, etc... It is a horrible kind of very competent incompetence.
Not incompetence at all. The results are exactly what TPTB want.
Yes, “competent incompetence.”
I refer to the late war as the WONA, and I owe no allegiance to this bastardized version of the country that was created by our forefathers. I finally got out of NoVA, and now reside near Red Hill, the home of Patrick Henry. Glad I stumbled across your stack. Deo Vindice.
Good for You!!! I lived in NoVa/MD for six years long ago. Thanks for reading the posts I put up, but Do the same yourself, spread the links. Liberty requires More than What most are Willing to Pay. But PAY We Will. either willing or unwilling, that's the terrible Truth.