Like watching a Cat. 5 hurricane storm surge coming straight at you while standing on the Battery/Charleston .... I'm livid (traitors!) AND terrified (the third world is all over my Southern city right at this minute). God help us.
the final tell is West Point removing Duty, honor and country. The globohomopsychopedos have infiltrated and seized control of every single American institution. The reptiles figure they've won.
No wonder DemonRats are so testy. Waking in the morning to butt-ugly women (except O'BloMe and Big Mike) such as their trophies would have me hating the world and everything around me as well.
No doubt about it, TRAITORS!
the only thing left is to prepare. Things gonna get ugly!
You said it all.
Bend Over, Here It Comes Again !
( an apt phrase I learned in Vietnam )
Like watching a Cat. 5 hurricane storm surge coming straight at you while standing on the Battery/Charleston .... I'm livid (traitors!) AND terrified (the third world is all over my Southern city right at this minute). God help us.
Amen. Terrifying. They mean it to be…
It’s here. Brace yourself.
ALL MALES,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
We'll have no choice but to shoot them on sight.
the final tell is West Point removing Duty, honor and country. The globohomopsychopedos have infiltrated and seized control of every single American institution. The reptiles figure they've won.
No wonder DemonRats are so testy. Waking in the morning to butt-ugly women (except O'BloMe and Big Mike) such as their trophies would have me hating the world and everything around me as well.
Onward, Christian soldiers!