RFK, Jr. is not any more of a white knight who's riding to save us than Trump is. Bobby, Jr. shows up on the Epstein Lolita Express flight logs, and appears to have essentially driven his wife to her unfortunate suicide. Among other things. Let's see how this play out, but any vote for a Democrat is a vote for pedophilia, CRT, BLM, open borders, election theft, and massive, corrupt insanity.

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RFK is a big Fly in the democRat's Bolshevik soup. Trump is the ONLY candidate capable of getting the Repub nomination. Now IF you were to make an argument on the futility of USSA's rigged sElections I could agree more.

Nihilism never won a war, Rejecting all candidates means you are Ready "to see how things play out"??? I do hope your "Plan B" preparations are well underway.

and Yes, no one ever said Gen Early had a pleasant demeanor, especially Gen Lee.

All the best, We are All in for a shiat storm, imo.

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Plan B is now Plan A - Get out of the cities. Now.

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I'm not rejecting all candidates, and I'm hardly a nihilist. Bobby is an interesting candidate, but he's hardly Camelot reincarnated. Steve Bannon, and several others, have said that the MAGA movement must work from the ground up, and that it'll be a long-term fight. No knights in shining armor; that time, if it ever existed, is long past.

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I understand, It does have to be ground up and the fight to Be Free never ends, so it will also have to be long term or We just end up back in the poop like now.

But IF we are to continue along this line, Trump will have to be Re-Re-Elected in 2024.

Not that I rate that more than an optomistic 50/50.

So the alternatives to Trump are surrender-submission to the Deep Statists' UniParty or Active Resistance.

I'm just looking down the road, doing What If This & That, as the battlefield requires/demands. Everyone will have bloody hands, difference being is it Yours/Ours or Their/Theirs? Some of Both, as that Reality is a Grim Business indeed.


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It has never been more apparent that the average citizen, rather than desiring participatory give and take of democracy desires the Emperor, the mad king. It is preferable to the more difficult responsibilities of real citizenship.

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I agree, but have to admit my reticence to give and take with mad citizens. Of course I am also a mad citizen to them/their...... and I don't mind their view of me either. It sort of affirms my sanity on a reverse vector.

I can't even tolerate the Estab RNC type Bushie Repubs.

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thank you

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A show of force is only effective when shots are fired. Nothing else matters.

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Vince Foster would probably agree with that. Bundy Ranch came very close but violence was avoided, and We/They were temporarily effective, and They were eventually successful after years of Feralist Lawfare finally failed.

If we do not surrender, then the Ferals will be forced to escalate their tyranny. If we surrender the Ferals will complete their tyranny ..... with impunity.

Your cutting of the Gordian Knot will prove to be True, Again.

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