A "New World" ORDER for sure, but the "Story" requires more "Drama-Death" and there is No Ending, as some "Form" of Life will Endure, .......... "perhaps."
Is an "Evolutionary" & Peaceful Resolution even possible??? Many Hope & Pray for It.
Others think of 1775 & a Popular Uprising, and not so peaceful. Others will "just go with the flow"; while others broke the exisiting dams of this civilization,Unleashing Torrents of Insanity upon Everyone. Only "The Insane" enjoy or find Insanity "reasonable". CYA in the Extremis.
`the pshycos want our dna code so they can individually target us in many different ways ie killer bots 5g transmission etcetc . dear God of goodness please help the pshycopaths and their naieve supporters return to goodness and truth ...Glory and thanks to the Father Son and Holy Spirit
“Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2” and it was published by a Chinese group in January 2021.1
Our enemies (perhaps 80% of them) live in the 20 largest American cities. These cities receive their food through centralized food markets, with NYC's Hunts Point meat, fish and produce markets being an example: Shut down Bruckner Blvd, Bruckner Expressway and ten local streets, and NYC will soon starve. Its water supply is subject to similar chokepoints.
I advocate peace, not war. I hope we can negotiate, before any bloodshed occurs, a mutually beneficial divorce in which they go their way and we go our way. They'll have their country (Homo States of America) and we'll have ours (America The Beautiful). We and they will share the same space (America) and some of the same infrastructure (roads, etc) and a few of the same laws. We'll pay taxes only to our (minimalist) government, and they'll pay taxes to their government to fund their insane schemes.
If, through a Live and Let Live Divorce, we can skip over the bloodshed, all of us will be better off.
But to achieve this desirable outcome, we must be thoroughly prepared for its opposite.
Antifa Targets 'Babies Lives Matter' Rally, Police Step In
I guess you’re not allowed to be anti-abortion or want to protect kids or the Antifa crowd will try to shut you down. Funny, that sounds kind of — fascist — when you try to shut down the opinion of others and believe that your own opinion is the only one that should be allowed.
About a minute into the violence in the previous tweet, a Santa Monica police officer throws a transgender man to the ground, who is helped up by an anti-fascist counter-protester.
"I'm literally recovering from surgery, you fascist fucking pig," he appears to say.
he SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME THEN! ttps://truthpress.com/news/antifa-targets-babies-lives-matter-rally-police-step-in/
Commie "Anti-Fa" and Fascists are just the Same .... Tyranny. Of course "We" know that but the Normies are still playing the Duality Game as the Uni Party USSA laughs out loud with their deception success.
"To Be or Not To Be" ..... Life or Death RESULTS as Intentional Policies, not the Lying spouting Bolshevik democRATS and rinoRAT Quislings.
Just in, SurgeonGen has notified the health care sector and the public of a substantial increase in VAERS reports from Florida, including for life-threatening conditions
My pleasure. I understand it, just not enough to write about it the way it needs to be.
What I never understood is why Fauci got away with his HIV stuff, killing, and torturing minority kids. The way he did or the Willowbrook Dr. Anyone else would have lost their licenses and jobs. But the more you dig the more illegal experiments on prisoners and the Military went on. None of the stories went far.
Like the Pedophilia one Townhall did a 4 part series on. I found lots of individual stories, years old or newer. Robert James Bidinotto wrote about some of them for Reader's Digest. Somewhere in the attic are signed copies he sent me. Now he writes fiction.
I think we will find that even the unjabbed who had Covid will have health issues.
I was lucky, Bronchitis in Dec 2019, when it was starting. No jabs, no covid. Take all the vitamin regime, with Quinine Bark, added in.
Feral Gubmint Medico-Industrial Complex since Tuskegee Experiment it seems we forget as time goes by. 1976 was about 40 years ago, so it's in the dustbin of history already.
I vaguely remembered it from that time, and even had forgotten about this 60 Minutes expose' until watching it again. I didn't get it being young and too busy in '76 to bother with it.
I'll post the link around on some websites, thanks ^^^
Seems to be a repeat of Covid. If 60 Minutes ran the same story today, it would be doubted, as they are now known for their made-up stories. My generation actually trusted them.
Fauci had to have known this statement was inaccurate based on the scientific factors he recounts in his recent article and on the evolving data showing declining vaccine effectiveness that he had access to. Whatever his motivations for making this erroneous assertion, the policies it inspired were disastrous.
A "New World" ORDER for sure, but the "Story" requires more "Drama-Death" and there is No Ending, as some "Form" of Life will Endure, .......... "perhaps."
Is an "Evolutionary" & Peaceful Resolution even possible??? Many Hope & Pray for It.
Others think of 1775 & a Popular Uprising, and not so peaceful. Others will "just go with the flow"; while others broke the exisiting dams of this civilization,Unleashing Torrents of Insanity upon Everyone. Only "The Insane" enjoy or find Insanity "reasonable". CYA in the Extremis.
`the pshycos want our dna code so they can individually target us in many different ways ie killer bots 5g transmission etcetc . dear God of goodness please help the pshycopaths and their naieve supporters return to goodness and truth ...Glory and thanks to the Father Son and Holy Spirit
So THAT'S why eggs are so deviled these days!
“Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2” and it was published by a Chinese group in January 2021.1
FOOD-GATE, CONTROL THE FOOD, YOU CONTROL THE 'PEOPLE'! People fear hunger. https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/food-gate-control-the-food-you-control
Our enemies (perhaps 80% of them) live in the 20 largest American cities. These cities receive their food through centralized food markets, with NYC's Hunts Point meat, fish and produce markets being an example: Shut down Bruckner Blvd, Bruckner Expressway and ten local streets, and NYC will soon starve. Its water supply is subject to similar chokepoints.
I advocate peace, not war. I hope we can negotiate, before any bloodshed occurs, a mutually beneficial divorce in which they go their way and we go our way. They'll have their country (Homo States of America) and we'll have ours (America The Beautiful). We and they will share the same space (America) and some of the same infrastructure (roads, etc) and a few of the same laws. We'll pay taxes only to our (minimalist) government, and they'll pay taxes to their government to fund their insane schemes.
If, through a Live and Let Live Divorce, we can skip over the bloodshed, all of us will be better off.
But to achieve this desirable outcome, we must be thoroughly prepared for its opposite.
Antifa Targets 'Babies Lives Matter' Rally, Police Step In
I guess you’re not allowed to be anti-abortion or want to protect kids or the Antifa crowd will try to shut you down. Funny, that sounds kind of — fascist — when you try to shut down the opinion of others and believe that your own opinion is the only one that should be allowed.
About a minute into the violence in the previous tweet, a Santa Monica police officer throws a transgender man to the ground, who is helped up by an anti-fascist counter-protester.
"I'm literally recovering from surgery, you fascist fucking pig," he appears to say.
he SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME THEN! ttps://truthpress.com/news/antifa-targets-babies-lives-matter-rally-police-step-in/
Commie "Anti-Fa" and Fascists are just the Same .... Tyranny. Of course "We" know that but the Normies are still playing the Duality Game as the Uni Party USSA laughs out loud with their deception success.
"To Be or Not To Be" ..... Life or Death RESULTS as Intentional Policies, not the Lying spouting Bolshevik democRATS and rinoRAT Quislings.
Just in, SurgeonGen has notified the health care sector and the public of a substantial increase in VAERS reports from Florida, including for life-threatening conditions
Unfortunately, for the Woke Sheeples, perhaps only the Mortuary Reports will suffice, or by reading their own obituaries.
Florida's Leadership is leading the way on VaXXX awareness. Thanks for keeping me up to date.
My pleasure. I understand it, just not enough to write about it the way it needs to be.
What I never understood is why Fauci got away with his HIV stuff, killing, and torturing minority kids. The way he did or the Willowbrook Dr. Anyone else would have lost their licenses and jobs. But the more you dig the more illegal experiments on prisoners and the Military went on. None of the stories went far.
Like the Pedophilia one Townhall did a 4 part series on. I found lots of individual stories, years old or newer. Robert James Bidinotto wrote about some of them for Reader's Digest. Somewhere in the attic are signed copies he sent me. Now he writes fiction.
I think we will find that even the unjabbed who had Covid will have health issues.
I was lucky, Bronchitis in Dec 2019, when it was starting. No jabs, no covid. Take all the vitamin regime, with Quinine Bark, added in.
60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)
Feral Gubmint Medico-Industrial Complex since Tuskegee Experiment it seems we forget as time goes by. 1976 was about 40 years ago, so it's in the dustbin of history already.
I vaguely remembered it from that time, and even had forgotten about this 60 Minutes expose' until watching it again. I didn't get it being young and too busy in '76 to bother with it.
I'll post the link around on some websites, thanks ^^^
Seems to be a repeat of Covid. If 60 Minutes ran the same story today, it would be doubted, as they are now known for their made-up stories. My generation actually trusted them.
Fauci had to have known this statement was inaccurate based on the scientific factors he recounts in his recent article and on the evolving data showing declining vaccine effectiveness that he had access to. Whatever his motivations for making this erroneous assertion, the policies it inspired were disastrous.
HUGE: Secret Deal to Hide Details on Vaccine Adverse Events?
Have you heard of Dr. Steven Greer, you'll find him on YT.
Your reminder of the Tuskegee Experiment brings to mind the recent report of the 900% increase of Sphilis in Mississippi https://www.livescience.com/900-increase-in-babies-born-with-syphilis-in-mississippi-may-be-part-of-nationwide-trend. I was to busy learning to be a wife and a mom. And many such experiments were hush-hush government-funded ones.
Do they not equate being Lockdown to increasing sexual activity and illicit drug use?
We are Armed.
We are Trained.
We are Everybody.
We are Everywhere.
We are We The People.
Think like Ho Chi Minh. Organize like Ho Chi Minh. Win like Ho Chi Minh.