Bill Barr is the bondo and Durham is the spray paint.

(Sundance got it from me)

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Do you mean Bill Barr? What did Sundance get from you? Explain Durham and

spray paint?

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Yes, Bill Barr is the bondo and Durham is the spray paint.

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You know Bill Barr helped run drugs with Barry Seal from Mena, Arkansas for HW Bush and

Slick Willie Clinton. When Barry Seal was found shot dead at a halfway house,

HW's cell number was found in his suitcase.

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You mean they were working together?

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Durham finished what Barr had begun.

In other words (finishing touches) he put on the coverup.

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WE THE PEOPLE SAY You damn dumb treasonous demonicrats ARE MAKING Things Worse For Yourselves

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Saw James Comey’s book at Dollar Tree today. $1.25!!!

Step right up, folks!!! Gitcher Commie Comey book fer a dollah and a corter!!

Yessiree Bob! Glue all the pages tagether, stack ‘em, paint em and ye’ll have yoreself a nice commie table!!!

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"BOOKS" are used to money laundry for the commie deep statist apparachiks like Homey Comey. He got his pay off up front pre publishing. ROPE!!! bring more rope .....

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