Domestic is more difficult and reticent for us to attack, the ChiComs are Very Smart. they have set up a Vichy French system with Bribery instead of kinetic warfare…… and Domestic Lawfare , rigged sElections to defeat we/me/you. Feral DC Coup gov “Public Service Announcements” to warn Sheeples of “Domestic (MAGA-“Deplorable”-White) Insurgents are about to be released…… Moar Covid Type Brainwashing. Gun Confiscation via Economic shutdown of Citizen purchasing, only Feral gov allowed to purchase guns & ammo. Then some type of “voluntary turn-in” of weapons via Economic Bankster CoerSSion seems likely. imo. Relying on this website to further the Green Tavern notes to others. Share the info, fly the “American” flag Upside Down on your front door, or better yet a flag from the Revolution of 1775 or 1861. Do Something other than just post. imho.BE a John Hancock at least.
"Most Men live Lives of Quiet Desperation"
Be a John Hancock !!! SHARE !!! You are already on the NSA-Feral Gov LIST, Comrades.
The Second Amendment is the RED LINE.
They have crossed it many times, with many unconstitutional laws.
Will the people stand up to the most absurd yet, or not.
UNITE Or die by the evil filthy abominations of globallist comunist atheist demonicrat scumocrat jihad thugs etc.,,,,