Pleasure is short; punishment, everlasting. Suffering is slight; glory, infinite. Many are called, few are chosen. Brothers, while we have time, let us do good.
– St. Francis of Assisi
Concerning Covid VaXXXes
If Adults, at this point in time, want to continue to commit suicide via VaXXX that's on them. Willful Ignorance is on Them as well. BUT VaXXXing Children for Covid is So Far Beyond REASON the parents and practioners are GUILTY of MURDER if and when the child dies due to "unknown" reasons.
“All Cause” Mortality is at least increased by 40% in Adults* Insurance Statistics*
Confront and Subdue the EVIL. There isn't an Alternative. Evil is inherent but it doesn't have to be ascendent in society, and when manifest must be condemned.
“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States, 1801-1809
Global Control by a Self-Appointed FEW. It's a Political Ponzi Scheme relying on each substrata to Obey the next Upper Strata and feed them Power through Compliance.
It really is a House of Cards, not dissimlar from Their Fiat "Money" scam;scheme. that we adhere to and give power to continue to exist.
We, in essence, CREATE our Existance and Environment. BUT shun that Responsibility to "Others" aka "Government" to Do For Us, thus Creating an Automaticity that is currently running amuck.
Restore Individual Responsibility, for better or worse, on an Individual Level. In other words, QUIT TRYING TO SAVE OTHERS, it's their Responsibility. Evil is just trying to "Save" You from yourself, Comrades, Because You are too ignorant to SEE and Act properly as the Top Commissars have deemed Proper and Necessary.
Thank You!