Violating natural law results in consequences every time, not just the first time. Yes, even in our time.
“………..but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,………”
“ My friends in the UK are truly panicked. They want to come to the U.S. just to get away. But many of my friends are rebels and did not accept the vaccine because they are healthy and under the age of 80. They rejected the jab. Now they cannot come to the U.S. because the U.S. is still imposing rules that forbid travelers from foreign countries who are not vaccinated from getting across the borders. “
Yes, it Is a Small World Afterall
“If you turned the electricity off for a few months in any developed Western society 500 years of supposed philosophical progress about human rights and individualism would quickly evaporate like they never happened.” ……. Because the SYSTEM will not just crank up in an instant, the supply chains will be broken, add in 6 more months At A Minimum, and What’s left ????

California, Canada, + ? +? + ? the Titanic sank as “water tight” compartment by compartment Flooded, slowly then quickly as the Band Played to the Final Plunge.
start at 36 minutes……
Please, some humor, even sarcastic truth reality, to alleviate the malaise……… :-)
It sure has happened; but they cover their tracks well with A-B protocols and insipid societal constructs that are not challenged until its too late. Is it over for them or us? We started ballzing them on this medium, exposing the lies. Big Big Big...
Everything that's going to make this system financially crash started to exponate in debt shortly after the millennial turn. Their demonic answer has been rejected.
Thanks for the links.