"Useful Idiots"
IF the democRat Bolsheviks prevail they won't need their Apparachiks anymore....
“All the soft edges are gone. Recent actions of the FBI and, more importantly, the DOJ have made that plain enough. I do wonder, though, about those who are just following orders; those who do not share the political philosophy of communism, but continue to do its dirty work with clean hands.” TL Davis
When Someone Calls YOU a “Deplorable”, Domestic Extremist Insurgents …….. …….You should Believe Them
BLM, Antifa, FIB, DOjustus, ATF, IRS, HSA, ETC …… All Armed for Domestic War on US Citizens, while Violating Every Oath they Ever Took to Protect & Defend the Constitution. MILLIONS of ILLEGALS pour through the Southern Border and these LE Traitors somehow think “Their” families will be safe and secure from the Cartels and Criminals.
I struck up a conversation with a solidly built Black man at a shopping center in Northern VA back in 2015?. I think Obama was on a tirade against the 2nd Amendment and I wanted to get this man’s perspective. My inquiry unleashed a torrent of built up frustration and anxiety over the course of events. He said he was FBI and concerned for the well being of his family, to the point of relocating them out of VA. He wasn’t a ProgreSSive Obamaite to say the least. I sometimes wonder where he is now, physically and mentally. How many more of his fellows are just gritting their teeth or are they just enjoying the comfy ride of Feral employment?
There are too many Thuggish FIB, imo. Enjoying their Woke ProgreSSive Feral Work. How they can Be So Oblivious that They Are Creating their Own Demise. Tyrannies Always Fail at some point because it is Antithetical to Human Nature.
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” —James Madison, Federalist 47, 1788
My Summation for this post, I’ll be Away for a few days to tend to matters:
Writes GenEarly’s Newsletter8 min ago
Life is always a contest between Cause & Effect; To Be or Not To Be, That Is THE Question, Comrades of the current Coup USSA.
1/6/21 was an honest mistake made by some honest patriots in trusting the Feral Gov. It won't happen again, the Trust is Gone. Many of us didn't have any in the first place. Too many Betrayals, too much water under the bridge going back to Waco & Ruby Ridge and just continuing from there. I got a kick out of the people of Sri Lanka storming their presidential palace, but it got pretty bad before they did that. We are PAST that point however, I couldn't give a Spit about DC. an Occupied Coup City of Bolssheviks and Crooks. It has already Failed, and Will Fall, it's a Dead Man Walking, Bankrupt Financially and Morally. Just a matter of time. Beyond Redemption. CYA and Prepare for the Spring planting, it was tough in April of 1865 in the South too.