When You read a great post, you need to Share It, here is a good one, imo
A Society is made up of Individuals forming Families and Groups, also a Declining Society falls away from Groups, then Families fail, and Individuals go wacko. We can SEE this in Our Society Today across all 3 crumbling pillars. What can be done about it?
Any possible solutions get Attacked by people without even Trying to Know. For example How Many People Actually Prepare for Anything Out of the “Normal” ??? all the while as “Normal” deteriorates lower & lower.
For Example, South Africa was once a Flourishing 1st World Society, not perfect as “Absolutes are Unobtainable”, but Compare to Today. Or Sri Lanka??? Collapsed with the “Highest NWO Greenie-Sustainable” Rating??? These stories are either not in the USSA MSM Newz or Quickly Disappear.
My Views may seem a bit Stark, because that is How I See Our Society, and I wanted to break through what has been called the “Normalcy Bias” and Denial. Several of the websites I read & recommended try to do the same, but I have read them for years with negligble societal “Results”.
So I’m taking a different “Tack”, How can an ABLE Individual actually improve their current condition even more? Why the ABLE? Because the Able with a “Workable” technology of the mind might have a chance of Helping Others.
We are getting to the point of “What Have You got To Lose”??? There are people clearly “Looking” and people who have family & friends they love and care about that might benefit as I have.
So I offer this link with no expectations, or seeking anything for myself, other than a clearer conscience for sitting silent so long. BUT, Do as You Will. The Reactions will not be unexpected, but Reason may prevail for the Able. May God Bless those Willing to Look.
From the substack referenced above. Every single comment is somewhere on this Tone Scale, so are You and me as well. A Chronic Tone “where we live” and then tones we move up and down daily or hourly as life affects us.
imo, We need a better tech than sickiology & sickiatry, and the Drugging of our country. This Tone Scale could be a start
“One's attitude toward life makes every possible difference in one's living. You know, you don't have to study a thousand ancient books to discover that fact. But sometimes it needs to be pointed out again that life doesn't change so much as you. ...
The day when you stop building your own environment, when you stop building your own surroundings, when you stop waving a magic hand and gracing everything around you with magic and beauty, things cease to be magical, things cease to be beautiful. Well, maybe you've just neglected somewhere back in the last few years to wave that magic hand.”
― L. Ron Hubbard
“For example How Many Pepole Actually Prepare for Anything Out of the “Normal” ??? all the while as “Normal” deteriorates lower & lower.” <- Somewhere in 2010 when DS & I began (with all the kids) prepping, so to speak, both family and friends made comments about how it was a waste, often asking what exactly we were preparing for. Sometimes certain people made snide remarks about how we were preparing for some fictional zombie apocalypse that would never come.
Our response has always been it’s NOT a waste and could never be a waste, at least when it comes to how we view our activities and how we handle things. Of course, our preparations are to have provisions of EVERY type in the event of something catastrophic. But, really, they’re for whatever else might come along. When hurricane Harvey devastated many communities all around our area, we donated generously to individual families, shelters, churches, whoever needed it. We were careful not to diminish our core needs, so we could rapidly replenish what we shared. So it will never, can never, be wasted.
I think people don’t understand the act of preparing for something out of the ‘normal,’ because it makes their imaginations run wild as to what “outside of normal” might look like. And that terrifies them. No one likes to be scared. The thing is that the very act of preparing and planning melts fear away.
Another beautiful thing about preparing is the strengthening of family bonds. While we still have a couple of kids living at home, they’re all over 18 now, but they all remember helping us grow our food, preserve excess, stock up on self defense items, create a well-rounded medical kit, and many other things. They still love walking through the storage room and the many various food crops we grow on our property.
I haven’t watched the Hubbard video yet, but I will immediately after this. I’m sharing this with my group on Twitter as well.
Better than the 'tone scale' maybe put down the cell phone/mini-computer and actually talk to people. It will take some practice but it's like riding a bike.