Joe Biden Calls Half Of All Americans A ‘Violent Threat To Democracy’ AGAIN
“DEMONCRAZY” being the Key Word, (along with “Our” meaning “Their”)
The Ruling "Elite" in the District of Criminals & Communists remind me of the British "Elites" in Singapore in the beginning of WW II, as the Japanese Army advanced down the peninsula. Afternoon Tea and Cricket continued, like the Band on the Titanic, up until the last moments before utter disaster.
That is the charitable view, then there are those that Sell Out their countries and people for wealth and/or to keep their puppet positions.
There is probably some of both mindsets amongst the inhabitants of DC, neither Good, but Mostly the Evil Sell Out Tyrants in the Mucky Bottom of the Fetid Feral Swamp.
Joe Biden on MAGA Republicans: "They threaten our very democracy."
and now please listen to a few words from The Resident himself after returning to the WH:
“those committed to the darkness have more conviction than those committed to stopping it” ……….
…………by non-Kinetic Means..
C’mon Man. Most of Us are Not Lawyers or so called Political “Leaders” that are currently jousting at the windmills.
We are Not on the Stage of this play, We await in the Wings for our Cue. It Will Come, It Will Be Clear and Loud enough for even the deaf to hear. Then the Entire Stage with it’s “Props” and stale actors will be shunted aside and thrown over the orchestra pit. Yet one man of Light cannot stand up to the Gov “Hordes”? How much of a Majority is needed? In 1775 there Wasn’t a Majority, Far from it.
We “Have to Have before We Can Do” is a Fallicy.
Doingness Does Not require Havingness, It Requires Beingness.
We Will Not Submit, It’s Not “A choice” for Us. It’s hard wired into our Souls and DNA, Come What May…………………. Sic Semper Tyrannis Forever, Amen.
and when or If you have time to read a thoughtful and prescient article on the parallels of Elvis Pressley and “Our Demoncrazy”.
Ronald Reagan was right: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”