Memphis Perp out on Bail from a Previous Murder Charge??????
I’m Not Black and I Don’t Live in Memphis or Travel There. democRat Black Ruled cities Are In The Hands of Their Rulers.
Just down the road in Jackson, MS. the Water System failed, it was in Dire Need of Repair, but the democRat Black Ruled City couldn’t manage to get it done. Earlier, Just down the road in New Orleans, LA. the democRat Black Ruled City spent millions of dollars for Levee Renewal on whatever pleased them, Other than Levee Renewal. Then Katrina came for a Visit.
You may have noticed a similar thread in these stories that runs through EVERY democRat Black Ruled City from sea to shining sea. Is it Just democRat politicians? Plenty of DumbAss White democRats. Is it Just Blacks? Well, Yes, a Majority Voted for their Rulers because the’re Black and democRat. Black Voters don’t Vote for Black Repubs running for City Govs. that might be more competent, Who knows???
Plenty of DumbAss White rinoRat Repubs and White demoRat Bolsheviks too, and these DumbAss Voters keep voting them in too.