It is Altogether Fitting and Appropriate that Quisling Repub McCarthy Surrendered on Memorial Week-end. "Furl the Flag"
Now You All can understand the Emotion of the Last Order from Gen. R.E. Lee to the CSA Army of Northern VA. in April of 1865.
Lucy pulled the football trick Again, What’s New with the Repubs??? Nothing !!! 4 to 5 Moar Trillion in Debt in the Next 2 Years. Big Feral Gubmint $pending Debt continues to Grow, and You/Me/We get Stuck with (Hyper?) Inflation.
TINVOWOOT ……. Do WE Really Understand ??? or is Moar Pain Required ??? Yes, It Is, sadly. THE WREATH IS FOR YOU, COMRADES
Even the former “Great Britain” still has It’s “Dress Up” Soldiers. Sooo Looking Forward to grilling those hot dogs and burgers on the upcoming 4th of July !!!
“INDEPENDENCE DAY” ??? ForgetaboutIt …… “but, but We will “win” in 2024” “Win” What ??? (ps: the democRats may even Want to get Out of Office to let the gutless Repubs take “the Fall” to then retake Total Bolshevik democRat Control in 2026, just a theory :-)
Smile or Cry, “What Difference, at this point, Does it Make?” Hilliarity Clintoon
Comment from sunrei on
May 28, 2023 9:59 pm
“But what galls me most is the budget is the only place where the GOP controlled House has any political leverage.
Want to reign in the green new deal?
Want to end the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ?
Want to stop the current invasion at the border?
Want to stop Biden’s plan to weaponize the IRS?
The GOP controlled house entered these negotiations with peak political leverage because the House controls funding. But they took their ONLY power, their only leverage over Biden and Schumer’s Senate and gave it up, chucked it and caved.
—Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness –McCarthy agreed to keep it in the budget
—Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents —McCarthy agreed to finance 98% of it
—Open Borders, Illegal Invasion —McCarthy did not use the GOP’s budget leverage to force the Wall to be finished and the Border to be closed.
—FBI funding in last year’s Omnibus included additional funds to expand their hunting down of people tied to J6. The FBI says the funds enable them to hunt down and arrest double the number of J6ers, another 1000 I believe. And McCarthy left this funding in the budget.
—UKRAINE funding continues unchecked.
McCarthy passed a GOP budget bill in late April and chucked it to cave to Biden. Worse — instead of a one year budget agreement, McCarthy locked us in for two years thru the end of the term of the GOP controlled House.
The Budget is the GOP House’ s only point of power and if it passes –heard the vote is Wednesday –then the House members might as well go home. The term is essentially over.” TINVOWOOT, I Spit.
Bad News for Americans: 98% of 87,000 IRS Agents are Here to Stay After McCarthy Caves in to Democrats
How Replacement Theory Works
“An anxious silence falls over the land this Memorial Day as we discern increasingly that those we put in charge of this shape-shifting thing called the public interest are running out of trips to lay on the people. Something grotesque is revealing itself: a bankruptcy not just of money but of national purpose, meaning, and legitimacy. You realize this day, with a breaking heart, that your country has been stolen by psychopaths.
Brace for impact. We’re already off the road and now it’s only a matter of how this vehicle comes to a stop in the ditch. Then, it’s a question of how each of us emerges from the smoldering wreckage…………” You can read the rest, link below:
We can be “depreSSed” or Determined to Survive. To Survive It requires that We/Me/You actually DO things to Pre-pare to Survive. “Plan B” (beans,bullets, bullion, buddies.)
DO NOT BELEIVE ANY governmentally ill demonicrat the proof is out there daily
We will not fix this broken system by abiding by the rules of this broken system.
Hope = Voting. Reality = Reloading.