and Coming soon to the USSA, Comrades……. steal-from-its-own-people
God loving Frisian American
• Queen Maxima of The Netherlands is member of the WEF ‘steering comité’ of the Digital Currency Governance Consortium and Biden is one of the executers.
• Jim Rickards, a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense. – Biden Orders US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version.
o Executive Order 14067, titled Section 4
o The most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic
o Legal government surveillance of all US citizens
o Total control over your bank accounts and purchases
o The ability to silence all dissenting voices for good
o The US dollar will be made obsolete
o Soon, your cash will be confiscated – or will simply be worthless paper
o The cash currency will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens
o Every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government
o That means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will
o They’ll be able to track and record every purchase you make
o It will be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment
o China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies
o More than half the countries in the world and almost 90% of central banks are testing or exploring a digital currency right now
o In the US, under Project Lithium and Project Hamilton, the new “spyware” currency has been quietly tested for several years
o These new electronic currencies are called CBDCs – or “central bank digital currencies”
• Mac Slavo, Truth comes to light, Sep. 24, 2022 – Government Pushes a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity. https: //truthcomestolight. com/ government-pushs-a-digital-dollar-so-it-can-seize-assets-at-will-enslave-humanity/
Nothing has been done to correct the vast number of mistakes we made in handling the COVID pandemic. Last time we suffered through a bad cold season and almost destroyed the economy. In the event we are hit with a serious biological attack we have no plan. We will collapse.
All of this is happening in plain view. This White House, by design or out of staggering incompetence, is destroying the balance of power on the planet and jeopardizing the status of the United States as the world’s preeminent power. We are watching as the international order that has existed since 1945 is undermined and weakened.
We are standing on the edge of a great precipice. The nation is in grave peril. The press continues to prattle on about the danger posed by fictitious nuclear launch codes Donald Trump was hiding in his sock drawer at Mar a Lago. The Department of Homeland Security issues endless warnings about domestic extremists who so far appear to have done nothing violent and seem in most cases to look a lot like mothers enraged at the pornography being peddled to their kids at school.
The danger grows greater every day. We are not talking about setbacks. We are not talking about minor defeats. We are talking about losing our status as the preeminent power on the planet. We are talking about economic collapse, nuclear war, and defeat.
The press remains silent. The Democratic Party cheers as we prepare to drive over the cliff. The controlled opposition in the Republican Party sits and does nothing.
The Emperor has no clothes. We don’t need a small child to tell us that. We just need to admit the obvious – before it is too late.
SABOTAGE It Is ; Physical, Mental, & Spititual. Arm Up for All facets of this Global War. For When We Win there is going to be truly a New World and Not the Klaus Schwab/Soros Demoncrazie ProgreSSive "Order" either.
PRE-PARE in all 3 facets, yesterday, But surely Today. We Are Already In The Storm.